The Tutorial button now takes you to the Learning Scenario instead The old tutorial has now been entirely removed. When your Lord Spiritual finds a heretical scripture and converts to a heresy, you now have to option to secretly adopt the religion Added a game rule to toggle Secret Cults
You can now ask to join your liege's wars if you want to help ensure they win Secret religious societies are now available to virtually all religions
Added a message to make it more clear that artifacts get lost / destroyed during inheritance Optimized access to diplomatic status and opinions Hunt Apostates now involves a lot more branding irons, stakes and fire Added an event that allows Monastic Order members to rid themselves of heretical books Hermetic Ingredients are now used in a multitude of event options to enhance the outcome or reduce the penalty Added Demon Hunter events that fire for Known Demon Worshipers Added a Rank 4 power for Monastic Orders: Convert County Added a Rank 3 power for Monastic Orders: Teach Virtue Added a Rank 2 power for Monastic Orders: Spiritual Guidance